Sister Nannie Belle Gilkey was born in Pennsylvania, Sept. 21, 1877, and died at Harvey, Illinois, July 18, 1897. She was one of God’s won afflicted children, who suffered for some time with that dread disease, consumption. During the intense suffering, which she passed through toward the close of her life, she manifested a sweet spirit of patience. Her circumstances being so adverse, much grace was needed, and she proved the truthfulness of the promise, “As the day, so shalt thy strength be.” When Jesus came for Nannie he found her waiting and willing to go with Him. For three days before her death she knew that her time in this world was short. During the day that she died she was very happy, singing several times in the afternoon,

“Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go.”

And “ I am so happy in Jesus,

From sin and from sorrow so free.”

Once she said, “Jesus is so near. Do you not feel that He is near, mamma?”At times her suffering was intense. She said, “O, what shall I do!” and when told to look to Jesus, He was the only one who could help her, she looked up and said, “Yes, Lord!” And Jesus came so near that she exclaimed, “O, He is coming, He is coming! O, Jesus, come and take me now – I am ready.” A few minutes before she left us she waved her hand and said, “Good-bye all,” and she went to be forever with the Lord. (Written for this work by Saddie A. Cryer, of Rockford, III).

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